It was a pleasure to join Mike Denby and Rebecca Henson on behalf of Invest in Leicester and the LLEP at the East Midlands Property Dinner. It is vital the Leicestershire voice is strong across the region so it was great to meet so many involved in the major developments we have seen in recent years, and more importantly the future pipeline.

I am fortunate in these voluntary roles to see the hard work that goes into securing massive long term investment in the City and County. Whilst it is great celebrating (and much needed!) there is always so much more to do, and so many more opportunities.

I spend more of my time seeing how I can unlock greater sustainable and inclusive growth for Leicestershire, either by making our system work for development or attracting new business, housing and investment in our infrastructure. I have been pleased to see the government recognises the planning system needs reform.

I am really looking forward to working with the new @llep "Leicester and Leicestershire Business and Skill Partnership Board" and our key stakeholders. There are massive challenges and so much to do - but I enjoy life when there is a challenge and the need to encourage better collaboration!
